Professional narrative

Bright, strong, and hella polished

Articulate your unique professional story and transform your experiences into compelling tales of resilience, growth, wisdom, and impact. It's time to buck the norms, embrace your journey, and present a confident and clear narrative.



Imagine the new you, write your unique narrative.

Your narrative ensures that your professional brand reflects who you are and intend to become. It's more than a timeline; it's a collection of learnings and achievements.

A strategic blend of authenticity and aspiration, your narrative positions you for new opportunities and aligns you with your ultimate ambitions, your North Star. 



We partner with you to curate your critical milestones, valuable skills, unique strengths, values, and experiences that portray who you are. 

Your narrative will captivate the reader, connect them to your story, and show that you can get the job done. It's the foundation for your resume, LinkedIn profile, thought leadership, and professional brand.



Through reflective workshops, one-on-one coaching sessions, and practical writing exercises, we help you find your voice and amplify your professional brand.

You'll learn how to share your journey with authenticity and impact on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and social media interactions.


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"Terry co-led one of the Google Alumni Women layoff cohorts for women like me who were affected by the 2022 layoffs. She provided valuable job search advice. Given her energy, expertise and EQ, it was a no-brainer for me to take her up on a 1-1 offer. Terry played a part in my success landing a role as the Chief of Staff in a clean tech startup."

Jennifer Vaden Barth

Chief of Staff


"In the over 20 years, I've had the privilege of knowing Terry, both as a friend and a professional acquaintance, I've been consistently impressed by her tenacity and strategic acumen. I've watched her masterfully transition across sectors, demonstrating adaptability that's truly rare. She's actively challenging and reshaping the ageism narrative."

Daniela Mielke

Growth focused Board Director, Executive, Advisor

Knowledge Hub

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